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Gifts & Donations

The Board of Education appreciates the public interest and goodwill shown toward the schools through gifts, grants and bequests. Gifts are welcome to supplement the district’s basic program and should benefit as broad a group of students as possible.

Requests that a donation be used at a particular school or for a particular program may be made. However, the Board is obligated to ensure an equitable educational experience and prevent disparities both from school to school and within each school.

We welcome donations, in cash, materials, supplies, equipment, facility improvements, and/or other items with an estimated value. Donations may not be to an individual or proposed employee due to legal and contractual regulations.

Please complete our Gift and Donation Proposal form PRIOR to proceeding with fundraising and/or a public announcement of a major project (ex. a continuing or ongoing educational program; a construction or building/field improvement project; any permanent fixture such as a sculpture or garden; or any project of similar scope). 

Please click here to fill out the form.